Our Programs

For more information on our coming offerings, please take a look at our Program Calendar.









This course is 7.5 hours and typically delivered in one day, in person or split into 3 2.5 hour sessions delivered virtually. Next session will be in fall of 2024.

This training is a robust introduction to the wide world of gender! A nuanced understanding of gender and intersectionality is increasingly important for decision-makers at all levels. From book bans, to the #metoo movement, to the fall of Roe v. Wade, to legislation in many states targeting queer and trans folks – gender injustice is all around us, demanding our attention, understanding, and action.

This learning series will be most generative for folks who are open-hearted, curious, and enjoy learning in a group. Together, we’ll unpack gender in a welcoming, shame-free, informal setting.

We’ll cover core concepts, key terms, Oregon-specific data, current events, and interrelated forms of justice and oppression. These workshops have a mix of facilitator-led content, individual exercises, small group discussion, and Q&A. There is very little homework between sessions.

Gender Justice Fundamentals is designed for folks of any gender who are beginner to intermediate in their understanding of the topic. If you’ve taken an intro to gender/women’s studies class in the last ten years, this content will probably be mostly review for you. But if you aren’t quite certain what the difference is between gender identity or gender expression – or how sexism relates to other forms of oppression – this training is a great place to start!

Other Core Programs

Find more information about our additional programs and offerings here. Take a look at our program calendar to see when they will be offered!

  • Exploring Intersectionality is designed for folks who are interested in better understanding Intersectionality. This training will cover the basic building blocks of Intersectionality, oppressive systems, identity, and paths to justice and liberation. Through insightful discussions and practical exploration, gain a deeper understanding of how various forms of oppression intersect, impact marginalized communities, and learn strategies to foster inclusivity and advocate for equity.

    Register for free, virtual training: June 10th

  • This 2.5 hour virtual session is for open-hearted folks who care about LGBTQIA2S+ people and want to continue to build their understanding and allyship. Maybe you’d like to be a better supervisor to an LGBTQIA2S+ staff member; maybe you’d like to make sure that your organization is serving LGBTQIA2S+ folks as well as you possibly can; maybe you have pronouns in your email signature line, but aren’t quite sure what else you can do to support your LGBTQIA2S+ colleagues.

    Come learn with seasoned trainers Lukas Soto and Emily Evans in an informal and welcoming setting. We’ll cover the foundational queer and trans concepts, debunk common myths, identify frequent microaggressions, and share lots of simple but effective ways to be a great LGBTQIA2S+ ally.

    Register for Virtual Training: September 18th

  • Featuring Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant of the Center for Body Trust.

    Fatness is an intersectional, social justice issue, and we need to collectively strengthen our analysis around anti-fat bias and size discrimination. As we engage in a deeper, more authentic intersectional analysis, it is critical that size diversity not be lost or made invisible in this conversation.

    We have entered the Ozempic era and are at a critical moment in understanding that the answer to anti-fat bias is not a potentially harmful drug to make people less fat. The answer is the dismantling of oppressive systems (cis-heternormative patriarchy, white supremacy, and extractive capitalism) that weaponize anti-fatness. Fat folks are some of the most stigmatized people in most cultures, AND their stigmatization is often legitimized by a wider culture where fat folks symbolize moral failure and are therefore deserving of their ill-treatment.

    This interactive workshop seeks to unpack biases around fatness and provide tools to create more welcoming spaces for all bodies. Further, this workshop will contextualize fatness as it intersects with other marginalized identities and the implications for those individuals and communities.

    While this may be a space for critical healing and validation for fat folks, this is also a learning space for folks generally who strive to be on the vanguard around social justice issues.

    Join us on 8/29 for this virtual training!

  • Join INTERSECT’s Executive Director, Sirius Bonner, as she explores various forms of oppression and how they intersect with Gender Justice with key leaders in a variety of movements. At INTERSECT, we believe all forms of injustice are interrelated, but that doesn’t mean we’re experts in all of them! We’re on a journey to better understand all kinds of oppression – including, racism, ableism, ageism, xenophobia, fatphobia, and many more – and especially eager to learn how each of these forms of injustice intersects with and amplifies sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.

    These 45min podcast-style webinars are self-contained and don’t require any prior understanding of the topic. They are bite-sized enough to be an easy lift, but substantial enough to boost anyone’s understanding of the topic.

  • Featuring a conversation with special guest, An Do, who served as the Public Affairs and Communications Director for Governor Tina Kotek, as well as the Executive Director and Political Director for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon and Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon (PPAO/PP-PAC).

    This 2.5 hour training dives into the kinds of policies, policy-making, and policy-makers that deliver better public policy for all genders. We will cover several specific policies as well as broadly applicable tools and skills that support intersectional feminist policymaking.

    This training is a great fit for anyone involved in policy-making, including elected officials, staffers, administrators, and advocates or those who want to understand policy-making at a deeper level. Participants are welcome to attend as a stand-alone session, or as an add-on to our Gender Justice Fundamentals training series. For stand alone session participants, coming in with a basic understanding of gender and sexism will ensure that you get the most out of the session.

    Join us for virtual training: July 23rd

  • This full-day session is for folks who already have a solid understanding of gender justice and looking to expand their analysis even further. You’ll join Executive Director, Sirius Bonner, and Senior Trainer Emily Evans in a curated learning experience with a series of experts in gender-related topics. We’ll cover: reproductive justice, caregiving, sex work and the sex trade, gender-based violence, queer/trans justice, and economic justice. The learning on each topic will be lively and largely driven by participant interests and questions.

    If you’ve taken our Gender Justice Fundamentals series, or if you’ve ever taken a gender studies class, or if you work at or volunteer for an organization that is focused on gender-specific services, this session would be a great fit for you.



A late October 2024 convening, The Gender Justice Summit at the OCADSV Conference is a transformative event bringing together advocates and allies to engage in powerful discussions, immersive workshops on intersectional gender justice, and dynamic networking, all aimed at advancing gender equity. The summit will offer connection, learning, teaching, healing, and opportunities for organizing.
Check out our Gender Justice Summit page for more info.

translucent prism circle




INTERSECT offers a variety of trainings and programs focused on intersectional gender justice. Beyond our Core Programs and our Program Calendar, we can craft programs to meet various needs, including training, assessment, and consultation. Please connect with us about creating a program specifically for your group’s needs.

We are happy to share our expertise on a wide range of topics, listed in the scrolling text below.

Intersectionality, gender justice, reproductive justice, LGBTQIA2S+ topics, DEI- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Belonging, identity and identity development, intersectional allyship, racism and white supremacy, white supremacy culture, anti-blackness, whiteness, implicit bias, microaggressions, Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI) Assessment, sexual harassment and bullying, gender and race-based wage gaps, the state of women and girls in Oregon, trauma informed care and trauma stewardship, body positivity and fat liberation, equity, sex and sexuality (including topics like sex work, sexual health, and healthy relationships), White Feminism™, oppression and justice in Oregon history, social justice, and intersectional perspectives on topics like policy and pop culture, and similar topics.

Intersectionality, gender justice, reproductive justice, LGBTQIA2S+ topics, DEI- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Belonging, identity and identity development, intersectional allyship, racism and white supremacy, white supremacy culture, anti-blackness, whiteness, implicit bias, microaggressions, Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI) Assessment, sexual harassment and bullying, gender and race-based wage gaps, the state of women and girls in Oregon, trauma informed care and trauma stewardship, body positivity and fat liberation, equity, sex and sexuality (including topics like sex work, sexual health, and healthy relationships), White Feminism™, oppression and justice in Oregon history, social justice, and intersectional perspectives on topics like policy and pop culture, and similar topics.

We offer these services with a particular focus on intersectionality, gender justice, and equity:

  • Assessment

  • Training

  • Policy Development

  • Change Management and Implementation

  • Facilitation

  • Strategic Planning